piątek, 20 kwietnia 2018

Script Installing Java and Removing any Obsolete Versions

    Managing centrally Java life-cycle with SCCM might be a little challenging due to the fact, that multiple versions of Java might coexist on one computer. If you add to this, that only some of those versions might be approved to be present in the network (which implies that you might not be allowed to use Java Auto Updater) and that the installer doesn't automatically uninstall old Java version during the installation you find yourself in quite a complex situation. That's when the script below might come in handy. It was written in order to remove all non-approved Java versions, Java Auto Downloader and install the latest approved version of Java

    Place the script file in the same folder as the Java binaries. Script in the below version is installing Java 8.0.121 and removing any different version, together with Java Auto Downloader. The NOT Name LIKE '%%DEV%%' exclusion ensures, that Java Development Environment, if exists on the computer, will remain untouched.
    You can add more NOT Version LIKE 'xxx' modules to the wmic command if you have some applications that depend strictly on a particular Java version and you know that it should not be uninstalled.
    When the SCCM Application is ready, be sure to set up properly detection methods depending on the Java versions that you expect to see on the computer after the installation process completes. I recommend using registry keys for this purpose as in the example below:
Detection method set for Java 8 U 121

Additional Notes:
    As in all the scripted deployments you should be very careful. I recommend to verify first which products matching 'Java%%' wildcard do you have in your environment with use Hardware Inventory and either SCCM Reporting or SQL query. 
    When you are sure what you're doing, you can always test several cases on the test computer by calling this part of command only:

wmic product WHERE "Name LIKE 'Java%Update%' AND NOT Name LIKE '%Dev%' AND NOT Version LIKE '8.0.121'"

    By doing this you will verify which programs would be uninstalled when executing your SCCM deployment.
    After checking this I still recommend to go for a staged deployment. Divide your environment in several parts, increasing in size and deploy the script to those collections one by one.



if EXIST "%WINDIR%\system32\taskkill.exe" (
   taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe 2> NUL

wmic product WHERE "Name LIKE 'Java%%Update%%' AND NOT Name LIKE '%%Dev%%' AND NOT Version LIKE '8.0.121'" call uninstall /nointeractive

REM "%~dp0jre-8u121-windows-x64.exe" /s "ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 REBOOT=Disable"

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